Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice


Penny Joy


Gumboot Productions Peter C. Campbell Penny Joy
  • Release Date 2001
  • Running Time 23.5 minutes
  • Closed Captions No
  • Availability Canada, USA

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Spiritual Roots of Restorative JusticeSpiritual Roots of Restorative JusticeSpiritual Roots of Restorative Justice

The Honourable Bria Huculak, a Saskatchewan provincial court judge calls it a spiritual experience; a commissioner with Correctional Services of Canada describes it as an incredible treasure; and the father of a teenage boy gunned down on his way to class asserts that forgiveness sets the one who forgives free. This informative documentary looks at restorative justice through the eyes of victims, offenders, judges, lawyers, First Nations elders and scholars of all different faiths. All believe this difficult process offers a viable alternative to the mainstream retributive justice system, healing the harm done not only to victims, their families and their communities, but also to the offenders themselves.

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